Press Releases

Hogan, Tomlinson, Farry to Host Press Conference on DNA Technology

January 31, 2024

WHAT: Reps. Joe Hogan (R-Bucks) and KC Tomlinson (R-Bucks), along with Sen. Frank Farry (R-Bucks), will speak on legislation that expands the number of DNA samples in the criminal justice system by requiring the collection of DNA samples from persons arrested for serious violent or sexual crimes. These samples will be no different, practically speaking, than the established process of taking an arrestee’s fingerprints.

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Marcell, Tomlinson Host Hearing on Crime Creep from Philadelphia

October 16, 2023

HARRISBURG – As the Philadelphia area struggles with an increase in crime, state Reps. Kristin Marcell (R-Bucks) and Kathleen “K.C.” Tomlinson (R-Bucks), held a hearing in conjunction with the House Republican Policy Committee focused on the reasons behind the increase in crime and options to address it.

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In Wake of Philadelphia Looting, House Republicans Unveil Anti-Looting Bill Package

October 11, 2023

HARRISBURG – In the wake of recent rampant and violent looting in Philadelphia that caused significant property damage and loss, House Republicans today unveiled a package of anti-looting legislation that will increase penalties on looters, put additional teeth in juvenile curfews, crackdown on social media coordination of looting and enhance penalties for those looting state property, including liquor stores.

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